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<p>School districts are furiously purchasing Chromebooks for their students, ensuring one-to-one access so that students can become digitally fluent and also have access to information previously unseen in human history. The global COVID-19 pandemic may have accelerated this process, but most educators and districts recognize that this digital upgrade was desperately needed. But Chromebooks alone are not enough. Now more than ever, teachers need great resources to rethink teaching and learning in a digital age.</p>
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<p>Enter <em>The Chromebook Infused Classroom</em>.</p>
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<p>In a post-COVID-19 world this book offers five great ways to for all educators to reimagine teaching in the coming age:</p>
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<h2><strong>Understand The New Digital Pedagogies</strong></h2>
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<p>Relevant digital pedagogies enable teachers to make the shift from the analog format to digital--one that is far more powerful in today’s world. In <em>The Chromebook Infused Classroom</em>, teachers learn that they don’t need to toss every lesson in their playbook. Instead, they can make small, simple and immediate adjustments to their lessons so that they are digitally empowered, thoughtfully designed and student-centered.</p>
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<h2><strong>Place Students at the Center of Learning</strong></h2>
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<p>Rather than simply focusing on teacher efficacy with technology, <em>The Chromebook Infused Classroom</em> helps teachers understand how students can employ their familiarity with technology to take ownership of their learning. It offers a clear and proven framework for involving students in their own learning. From activating student curiosity before a unit to allowing them the time to reflect on their own unique learning journey, the <em>Chromebook Infused Classroom</em> will help teachers make the shift to more student-centered learning.</p>
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<h2><strong>Rethink Assessment in the Digital Age</strong></h2>
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<p>Now that many school districts have extended the virtual platform and students will continue learning at home, assessments must be adapted appropriately. The typical multiple choice test is not adequate to get an accurate and meaningful story of student understanding. Instead, authentic assessment must both give us insight into a student’s learning journey and provide a place to demonstrate and apply new knowledge. This is actually a GOOD thing- it goes beyond simple regurgitation to allow students the opportunity to apply their newly acquired knowledge to a new and novel situation - something known as <strong><em>transfer of knowledge</em></strong>. </p>
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<h2><strong>Employ True Blended Learning</strong></h2>
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<p>Blended learning infuses appropriate technology into the teacher/student interaction, enhancing the learning experience. The <em>Chromebook Infused Classroom</em> helps teachers take the great analog lessons they have already developed and supercharge them with the digital tools more suited for a modern classroom. The possibilities for digital enrichment are really endless: from subjects like language arts to math to science and social studies--even PE-- to skills and learning practices like reading, note-taking, collaboration, research, problem-solving, drafting and editing, everything becomes powerful and authentic. <em>The Chromebook Infused Classroom</em> also provides clear and practical examples of digital practices for true student-centered learning. It also simplifies differentiation, enabling teachers to better approach students individually. </p>
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<h2><strong>Activate The Learning Superpowers</strong></h2>
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<p>One of the Chromebook’s great features is the ability to easily employ a wide variety of apps and extensions to customize learning and empower everyone in the class. The <em>Chromebook Infused Classroom</em> has an entire section dedicated to those tools. This carefully curated list of educator-tested and highly recommended tools is relevant, adding value in the digital age. These tools help teachers craft stronger, more purposeful lessons. With 21 tools to choose from, every teacher at every grade level can be equipped to meet a variety of learning needs. While no teacher should think they need to use them all, understanding and adding just a few to your learning tool belt gives teachers and students alike access to more profound learning experiences.</p>
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<p>We educators are traveling uncharted waters right now. But we don’t have to feel unprepared. <em>The Chromebook Infused Classroom </em>will enable teachers and students not only to survive in these uncertain times, but to thrive. </p>
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