The Infused Classroom Blog
AI in The Classroom: 10 Essential Ideas Every Educator Needs to Understand
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As artificial intelligence (AI) crashes into the education landscape like a meteor falling from the sky, educators across the globe are looking up like deer in headlights. Here are 10 crucial aspects that educators must be aware of to infuse AI effectively and create compelling learning experiences. Because this new tool is so much more than a way for students to cheat.
#1. Human Trained AI vs Deep Learning Models:
Educators need to understand the difference between human trained AI and the deep learning models we are now dealing with. Programs like ChatGPT are based on a new model of artificial intelligence that mimics the human brain and can learn from itself, unlike our personal assistants and Netflix algorithms which are human trained AI.
Predictions suggest that by the time current kindergartners graduate from high school, AI will be a billion times smarter than human beings. This underscores the importance of integrating AI into education from an early age, to prepare students for a future where AI will play a significant role in all aspects of society.
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#2 The True Power in Student-AI Collaboration:
While some Educators might not be there yet, it is essential to understand that students working with AI to create projects, papers, do research and critically think about information will soon be the norm. Instead of trying to catch students who have used AI, we need to encourage them to work in symbiosis with AI to create and show learning.
Even prestigious institutions such as Vanderbilt and Cornell have recognized the importance of AI in the future of education, and are actively encouraging students to collaborate with AI, rather than viewing it as a tool to be avoided. They understand that embracing AI and learning to work alongside it is crucial for preparing students for a future where AI will be an integral part of many aspects of life.
#3 The Impact AI Can Have on Learning Differences
AI will have a huge impact on students with learning differences, espeically for Dyslexic students and struggling learners. You can expect that within the next few years, AI tools will be written into every Individualized Education Program (IEP).
#4 The Role of Coded Bias
AI is full of coded bias which is highly problematic. Recognizing and understanding this bias is important to understanding the responses it provides. Students need to understand the data AI is trained on and to critically evaluate the information they encounter while using any AI platform.
#5 The Job Market Impact
Educators should understand that within the next two years, the World Economic Forum predicts that 85 million jobs will be lost to AI, and in that same time period, 97 million new jobs will be created for those who know how to work with AI. Preparing students for this shift should be a priority for all educators.
#6 The Importance of Improving Prompting Skills
The prompting process involves not just knowing how to prompt, but also how to revise and refine those prompts to elicit the most accurate and helpful responses from AI systems like ChatGPT. Workshops for educators should prioritize teaching educators the techniques of effective prompting and prompt revision with ChatGPT to optimize the quality of the responses generated. This way educators will know how to get better lesson ideas and better resources from ChatGPT.
#7 How to Enhance Pedagogy with ChatGPT
Educators need to realize the numerous pedagogical strategies that can be significantly improved by initially utilizing ChatGPT themselves. For instance, it's well understood that students require some background information on a subject to fully engage with the material. Consider using ChatGPT to generate a list of the 10 most fascinating real-life applications of the quadratic equation. Doing this, before delving into the complexities of solving it - a concept often perceived as abstract by many students, can be incredibly beneficial for those questioning the relevance of their learning. This approach not only piques the students' interest but also provides a foundational understanding that can make the subsequent learning process more accessible and meaningful.
Realistically, could all of our teachers compile a list like this without the assistance of AI?
#8 AI is More Than a Worksheet or Presentation Generator
Educators should not view AI as just another tool for creating worksheets or generating more test questions - NO THIS IS NOT THE POWER OF THE TOOL. Instead, its true potential lies in its ability to enable students to ask better, more insightful questions, and to learn in ways that genuinely interest them. AI can be leveraged to create resources that empower teachers to shift the learning responsibility back to the students, fostering a more engaging and student-centered learning environment. This approach not only helps students take ownership of their learning journey but also encourages a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the subject matter.
#9 How to Use AI to Develop Critical Thinking in Students:
AI can help in developing critical thinking skills among students. Educators should use AI to create scenarios or problems that encourage students to think critically and solve problems creatively. This not only makes the learning process more engaging but also helps in developing skills that are essential for the 21st century.
#10 Soon, it will be a common assumption that all written pieces involved the use of AI
In the future, it will be a common assumption that all writing, from academic papers to creative pieces, has been created through a collaborative effort with AI. Educators must adapt to this new reality and teach students how to work effectively with AI writing tools to enhance their work rather than relying on them entirely. This includes understanding the capabilities and limitations of these tools, learning how to use them to improve one’s writing, and developing the critical thinking skills necessary to evaluate and revise the content generated by AI. It is essential to instill in students the understanding that while AI can be a valuable tool, it is not a replacement for human thought and creativity.