The Infused Classroom Blog

Blended Learning Ideas

10 Ways to Promote Student-Centered Learning with Seesaw

As we get more and more devices in our classrooms, it is important that we realize how we can use them to do amazing things – like making student thinking visible and allowing us to amplify student voice by hearing from all of our students. This way we can know where each of them is in the learning process!

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Student- Created VR Experiences – It is Easier Than You Think!

Virtual Reality in the classroom is really cool! Anyone who has played around with it knows it really ignites student energy and curiosity. The best part, however, is how really impactful it can be for relevant teaching and learning. Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that opens the door to the wider real world.

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Why Classrooms Need an iPad and a Chromebook!

As I travel around the world, something has become very apparent to me.  Schools that have Chromebooks WITH access to iPads – via a cart or check out system, or a few for each class –  are able to create savvier and digitally fluent learning environments that can be missing from the Chromebook or iPad ONLY classrooms. 

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Sketchnoting in the Chromebook Infused Classroom

If you have Chromebooks (or any device) in the classroom you can now change the way note-taking happens to make it more modern and purposeful. Notes no longer need to be linear and text-heavy – they can now be interactive and visual.

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The Infused Classroom Student

As educators have access to more and more technology in the classroom, we need to rethink the student role in learning.  In a technology-rich classroom, the role of the student as strictly a memorizer and regurgitator of content MUST change. Students need to see...

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Inspire a Love of Learning

Sometimes I wonder where my passion for educational change comes from. Why do I stay up on Friday nights reading about education? Why do I spend 27 days, in one month, flying all around to speak about reinventing curriculum- something I am now calling remixing the...

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