Virtual Reality in the classroom is really cool! Anyone who has played around with it knows it really ignites student energy and curiosity. The best part, however, is how really impactful it can be for relevant teaching and learning. Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that opens the door to the wider real world.
The Infused Classroom Blog
The Connected Student
Sketchnoting in the Chromebook Infused Classroom
If you have Chromebooks (or any device) in the classroom you can now change the way note-taking happens to make it more modern and purposeful. Notes no longer need to be linear and text-heavy – they can now be interactive and visual.
A Quick Look at the 4 C’s for The Chromebook Infused Classroom
What are the Four C’s, and why are they important to a Chromebook Classroom? Let’s take a QUICK LOOK in an effort to provide a basic overview of these concepts.
Is there Techquity in Your Chromebook Infused Classroom?
As more and more students get devices such as Chromebooks in their hands, education begins putting one foot forward toward more equitable digital access- access to both information and more relevant learning experiences
Can Social Learning Change a Classroom or School?
Nearly a half-century ago, educational theorist and researcher Albert Bandura coined the term ‘Social Learning Theory’ to describe the transfer of knowledge among students who learned not just from a teacher expert or a textbook but from each other.
3 Ways Educators Can Rethink Their Own Professional Growth
The world is now firmly into the 21st century. We can’t rely on learning theory from the past to equip Generation Z students to tackle the world’s problems. Today, dramatic shifts in learning theory are guiding educators toward a more connected form of learning to...
A PD Model That Actually Works!
The New Way of Doing PD Lately, I have been able to be part of some really effective PD experiences that are changing how teachers teach and how schools look at modern learning. It is based around something I call “Embed PD”. This model involves teachers...
Two Powerful Formative Assessment Tools for the Chromebook Classroom
Looking for ways to do quick formative assessments on Chromebooks? Socraive and Flipgrid are a great start
The 12 Components of The Infused Classroom
Often when people talk about The Infused Classroom, they think it's only about the infusion of technology and pedagogy - which we seek to improve by infusing the classroom with great teaching and learning in this area - but it is so much more! The Infused...
Are You An Avid Micro Learner?
Lately, I have come to realize I am an avid micro learner. I spend countless hours looking through Twitter — following mainly other educators — and scrolling through a few hashtags on Instagram that help keep me current with the great innovations happening in...
Three Ways to ‘Open Your Door’ to More Meaningful PD.
I have to admit, one of my favorite parts of teaching was shutting my classroom door. Then it was just my students and me, free from distractions, and we could concentrate on a lesson together. I’m sure I’m not alone. Anyone who has spent time in a school knows it is...
What Happened to Curiosity in Schools?
Curiosity is Our Super-Power! Have you ever noticed that three and four-year-olds are exhaustingly curious? Have you experienced first hand the joy they get from exploration? Felt envious of their ability to devour information? Watched from the sidelines as they...