Did you know that in 2020, cellular technology known as fifth-generation wireless, or 5G, is due to be mainstream in many countries? 5G is designed to revolutionize wireless networks by supercharging their speed and responsiveness.
The Infused Classroom Blog
The Connected Student
The Power in Teacher Voice
“We need to understand how people learn when they have a choice — and bring that into places where they are required to learn” — David Price, Open Student voice is all the rage at conferences and PLN discussions — people are talking almost nonstop about how important...
The Essentials of Great PD: How Educators Are Reimagining Professional Learning
For continuous and effective learning, we have to learn to swap the linear for the non-linear and the controlled for the cacophonous.
5 Ways to Promote an ‘Inquiry Mindset’ for School PD
The notion of a student ‘inquiry mindset’ has become very en vogue in educational circles lately. Inquiry-based learning is effectively defined by educational writer Trevor Mackenzie in his seminal book, Inquiry Mindset, as “the process where students are involved in...
5 Ways Microlearning is Revolutionizing Education
When I was a young teacher, if I wanted to learn something to expand my teaching practice it was NOT an easy endeavor! I had to go to the library, search for a book, lug it home, and hope it was an interesting read that actually had the information I was looking for....
Worth Reading: A Profound Look at What it Means to be Educated.
Recently, my friend Trevor Mackenzie was reading Educated: A Memoir and "could not put it down." When I hear those words, I am instantaneously taken back to my experience reading Memoirs of a Geisha and the gripping experiences of forsaking everything in my life to...
#AdobeSpark Formative Assessment Fun!
This is a cross post from Monica Burns - please also visit her website for even more information about other great strategies such as this. You can learn even MORE Adobe Spark ideas in Monica's new book: 40 Ways to Inject Creativity in Your Classroom with Adobe...
A Talking Card #GridSmash Recipe
A new great #GridSmash for a Talking Picture 🛒😍Ingredients to gather: Headliner App, Canva, Garageband (or author audio recording app like Soundtrap) and Flipgrid. 😍 Final Product: A talking picture with cool graphics like the one shown here. [video width="720"...
Introducing a #MysteryGrid
While sitting around a table with some new friends I met at an EdTechTeam Summit in Queensland, Australia we were lamenting about how hard it is to do Mystery Skypes with our students from our respective countries. I descried how I used to have kids do something...
It’s Time for the Ultimate #GridSmashes
What is a #GridSmash? A #GridSmash is an AppSmash but Flipgrid Style. The coolest kind! There has been a lot of talk about AppSmashing and Flipgrid, and that is because the creative possibilities are off the charts! Its time though to step back a moment and give...
The Crafting of A #MakerSpace
This year at our school, we are going to be crafting and creating a Maker Space. To be honest, we are a bit late to the game, but that means we get to learn from those who have come before us, avoiding their mistakes, and drinking from the fountain of...
Check this Out! The Next Big Thing for the Chromebook Classroom is Book Creator!
The next big thing in the technology infused classrooms is Book Creator for Chrome. As my co-author Tanya Avrith and I get ready to publish The Chromebook Infused Classroom soon, all things point to Book Creator as the game changer in the Chromebook Classroom. You...