Disrupting A Culture of One Right Answer In my 17 years of teaching, I have come to understand one truism. Multiple choice questions WILL NOT, HAVE NOT and DO NOT give us rich information about student learning and growth. Period. Full Stop. This epiphany has haunted...
The Infused Classroom Blog
The Connected Student
VR in the Classroom? It’s not just for Google anymore.
Take your students places a school bus can’t go! Nestled at the bottom of South Australia sits a town known for it’s amazing wine and beautiful beaches - Adelaide. This week, however, Adelaide took on a new distinction, it became the home of the world première of...
Comic Strips come to Book Creator!
It is true! On Book Creator's next update - there will be an option for Comic Strips! Comic Strips are a fun way for students to summarize and make sense of their learning - and can really add a fun look to simple summaries! Don't forget to have students share...
My Journey to Disruption
Part One: Pause for a minute. Visualize your childhood classroom; What was it like? Did you sit in rows? Robotically complete worksheets? Answer questions at the end of the chapter? Back then, knowledge was static and isolated, it belonged to those who retained it and...
Connected Learners Require Connected Teachers
“Our task is to learn how to build smart rooms—that is, how to build networks that make us smarter, especially since, when done badly, networks can make us distressingly stupider.” ― David Weinberger, Too Big to Know True Confession: Sometimes I fancy...
What Questions Did Your Students Ask Today?
A while back I stumbled upon a book called A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger..,and it started a thirst in me I have been unable to quench - it's an obsession to get the educators I work with to allow students to ask more questions! The...
Why (And How) Teachers And Students Should Backchannel
What is a backchannel you ask? A backchannel is a conversation that takes place alongside an activity or event. In most cases, this happens using a digital or mobile device. There are many different ways you can backchannel. You could use Twitter or now...
5 Effective Ways to Build Your School Tribe
This article is a continuation of The Connected Student Series and was first posted on Edudemic on April 9, 2014 It’s a crisp fall Monday morning, and freshly dressed school children are being dropped off by their parents – who by this time have gotten used...
The Question Everyone Asks Me? Who to Follow?…Answered (2018 update)
I want to say thank you to my PLN for making me a better educator. For those of you not familiar with a PLN, let me explain. In simple terms, a Personal Learning Network (PLN) is a network of people you interact with that help you to become a better educator or...
A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Digital Portfolios
Recently, on the connected student series, I discussed the ‘why’ of digital portfolios. It is imperative that in this day and age, students be able to curate, archive and expand on the work they are producing in class. As an added bonus, student digital portfolios...
The Myth of Average – A TED Talk For Everyone!
For Alice... Every once in a while you meet someone who gets it. Someone who understands how education has to be redefined in order to be successful. Brian Thomas, Assistant Head of School at The Bentley School in Lafayette, CA is one of those people. He really...
The Student’s Guide To Using Fonts In Education
This was first published in Edudemic on Jan. 19th, 2014 As students begin producing a plethora of digital work – and connecting and sharing that work with the world – we need to take a step back and teach them to think a little more about typography and design. This...